2023 Project

Untold Stories of Aging Practice

About this project

In 2023, the second cohort of Sigler Family Aging Scholars, Kristin Nichols, Lindsay Huddlestun, and Sam Gibson, highlighted the untold stories of professionals working with older adults to inspire others to pursue the gerontological practice. In light of the rapid growth of the older adult population in the US, the number of aging-focused social workers, as well as other healthcare and social services professionals, falls far below the projected need. This video was intended to draw others to this work by creating a space for folks who have experience working with older adults to share their stories from the field.

The video was launched at a continuing education webinar in April 2023, attended by 75 practitioners from across Kansas. In creating the video and hosting this event, we partnered with a local non-profit, Kansas Advocates for Better Care, whose staff was also interested in promoting aging practice among new professionals. During the launch event, three panelists also shared advocacy-focused resources for practitioners working with older adults around topics of creating dementia-friendly communities, supporting older adults in need of long-term care, and advocating for older survivors of domestic violence.

“Elevating the voices of individuals that work in our community with older adults can only benefit us. Spreading awareness for the work we do and how rewarding it is during this video just scratches the surface of what it means to be a social worker in the aging field, but I only hope it can inspire others.”

Thank you to our interviewees

  • Mickey Dick, Visiting Nurses Association

  • Jea Castrop-May, Network at KU Alzheimer’s Disease Center

  • Lindsay Huddlestun, Johnson County Area Agency on Aging

  • Sam Gibson, Practicum Student at Ascend Hospice

  • Heather Pineda, Johnson County Area Agency on Aging

  • Dan Goodman, Kansas Advocates for Better Care

  • Eric Sigler, Kansas City Hospice and Palliative Care

  • Mitchell Skidmore, AgeWise Advocacy & Consulting

  • Kristin Nichols, Practicum Student at Cognitive Care Network at KU Alzheimer’s Disease Center

  • Shell Johnson, Johnson County Area Agency on Aging

  • Morgan Bell, Kansas Advocates for Better Care

If you are interested in exploring a career in aging, start by exploring these helpful resources: