Clarence Lanka
Title: Alpha & Omega
Submitted by: Arlene Collins
Topic: Hobbies, Daily Living, & Keeping Active
Clarence Lanka, 93, Stapleton NE has tinkered with "junk art" as he calls it since early 70s. Now, since moving into town, off his NE sandhills ranch in 2019, he continues to build his pieces in the garage, using hammers, vises, and welding equipment. I have his longhorn steer, called "alpha & omega." This is the first & last, because, in the moving my own family has done, this critter is the last item to take down, pack up and first to unpack and put up on my new mantle. He has made crosses, yard flowers, and critters such as the "swamp rat" from worn out pieces of farm equipment. Some are useful as a door stop, hat or plant-holder. And, some are simply displayed for fun and conversation. He claims he does this to "keep busy!" For folks I know of his age, he is one to never be idle. So often he is a tad bit upset if not invited to ride for his sons' brandings! Granting permission to be displayed, he said, "I am not seeking publicity, but if I can be an inspiration...yes, please show my things!" He can take custom orders and might put a price on an item, but mostly he gives his pieces to friends and family. This is the steer Clarence made. This is one of his first pieces of horseshoe art, titled "Alpha & Omega." I also call him "shoester steer," but both are good names! He has been cavorting around my house 30+ years. It is the last to take down & first to put back up on the mantle in a new house we move to! My 3 interviews show him telling how he got started, what/how he produces, and shows 3 of his sculptures, "crosses," the "swamp rat," and "turtle."