Zoe Vincent
Title: Cinderella Community Paper Quilt Project
Topic: Intergenerational Community Art
Amidst the pandemic, Visual Art Education (VAE) students Zoe Vincent, Katie Rice and Sierra McCloskey wanted to help isolated individuals feel a sense of community. To begin, they traced an outline of local artist Elizabeth “Grandma” Layton’s drawing Cinderella to mimic a coloring book page. They then cut the page into postcard-size pieces and gave them to 5th and 6th graders at nearby elementary schools to begin coloring. The VAE students then took the unfinished postcards to Arbor Courts Retirement Community, where seniors colored in the blank spots and helped piece the coloring page back together to reveal the Cinderella Community Quilt. When admiring the finished project, elementary schoolers and senior citizens alike commented that they felt senses of pride and belonging from participating in this community project.