Kamri Wolverton

Topic: Dementia and Memory

I wrote this poem about my Grandma who has recently been struggling with memory loss after being diagnosed with COVID-19. The poem describes her sitting at her large, open window that peers out to her front yard, where multiple birds each day come to feed. During the day, she loves to sit in her chair and view the birds that come to visit her through the window. During our conversations, her words slowly drift back to the topic of birds, mainly tickled by the cardinal that teases her daily through the window. Her love and passion to live life to its fullest is unlike any person I know--she has inspired me to cherish the small, yet enjoyable aspects that cross my path in life.

Your spirit

Still lively as I can remember

as you gaze out the open window

The birds outside sing to you in rhythm

and remind you of faded memories

that you have once forgotten

The excitement quivers in your voice

as a bird emerges in your view

You become deeply captivated

by the cardinal that teases you from time to time

And wonder when it will return

Your memory

Slowly fading over time

I do not challenge you

but rather acknowledge

the small, yet significant pieces

that bring you joy and happiness

And when I hear and view the birds myself

I will think of you

And the memories we shared

At the open window


Jeffery Wolverton


2023 Students